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Oracle Apps Purchasing (PO) Key Tables and their functionalities

Oracle Purchasing Key Tables and their functionalities


PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL stores information about requisition headers. You need one row for each requisition header you create. Each row contains the requisition number, preparer, status, and description. REQUISITION_HEADER_ID is the unique system–generated requisition number. REQUISITION_HEADER_ID is invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the number you use to identify the requisition in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate requisition numbers for you. PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL is one of three tables storing requisition information. PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL corresponds to the Header region of the Requisitions window.SEGMENT1 provides unique values for each row in the table in addition to REQUISITION_HEADER_ID.


PO_REQUISITION_LINES stores information about requisition lines. You need one row for each requisition line you create. Each row contains the line number, item number, item category, item description, need–by date, deliver–to location, item quantities, units, prices, requestor, notes, and suggested supplier information for the requisition line. LINE_LOCATION_ID identifies the purchase order shipment line on which you placed the requisition. LINE_LOCATION_ID is null if you have not placed the requisition line on a purchase order. BLANKET_PO_HEADER_ID and BLANKET_PO_LINE_NUM store the suggested blanket purchase agreement or catalog quotation line information for the requisition line. PARENT_REQ_LINE_ID contains the REQUISITION_LINE_ID from the original requisition line if you exploded or multisourced this requisition line.
PO_REQUISITION_LINES is one of three tables storing requisition information. This table corresponds to the Lines region of the Requisitions window.


PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL stores information about the accounting distributions associated with each requisition line. Each requisition line must have at least one accounting distribution. You need one row for each requisition distribution you create. Each row includes the Accounting Flexfield ID and requisition line quantity. PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is one of three tables storing your requisition information. This table corresponds to the requisition Distributions window, accessible through the Requisitions window.


PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contains accounting distribution information for a purchase order shipment line. You need one row for each distribution line you attach to a purchase order shipment. There are four types of documents using distributions in Oracle Purchasing:
• Standard Purchase Orders
• Planned Purchase Orders
• Planned Purchase Order Releases
• Blanket Purchase Order Releases
Each row includes the destination type, requestor ID, quantity ordered and deliver–to location for the distribution. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record accounting and requisition information for purchase orders and releases. PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is one of five tables storing purchase order and release information. Some columns in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contain information only if certain conditions exist:
• If you autocreate this accounting distribution from a requisition, REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID corresponds to the ID of the requisition distribution you copy on the purchase order.
• If you use a foreign currency on your purchase order,Oracle Purchasing stores currency conversion information in RATE and RATE_DATE.
• If you use encumbrance, GL_ENCUMBERED_DATE and GL_ENCUMBERED_PERIOD_NAME contain encumbrance information Oracle Purchasing uses to create journal entries in Oracle General Ledger.
• If you do not autocreate the purchase order from online requisitions, REQ_LINE_REFERENCE_NUM and REQ_HEADER_REFERENCE_NUM contain the requisition number and requisition line number of the corresponding paper requisition. These two columns are not foreign keys to another table.
• If the distribution corresponds to a blanket purchase order release, PO_RELEASE_ID identifies this release.
• If SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION_ID has a value, the distribution is part of a planned purchase order release. If you cancel the distribution, Oracle Purchasing automatically updates QUANTITY_CANCELLED or GL_CANCELLED_DATE. Oracle Purchasing also enters UNENCUMBERED_AMOUNT if you use encumbrance.


PO_HEADERS_ALL contains header information for your purchasing documents. You need one row for each document you create. There are six types of documents that use PO_HEADERS_ALL:
• RFQs
• Quotations
• Standard purchase orders
• Planned purchase orders
• Blanket purchase orders
• Contracts
Each row contains buyer information, supplier information, brief notes, foreign currency information, terms and conditions information, and the status of the document.

Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record information that is related to a complete document. PO_HEADER_ID is the unique system–generated primary key and is invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the system–assigned number you use to identify the document in forms and reports.

Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONT_ALL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate document numbers for you. SEGMENT1 is not unique for the entire table. Different document types can share the same numbers. You can uniquely identify a row in PO_HEADERS_ALL using SEGMENT1 and TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE or using PO_HEADER_ID. If APPROVED_FLAG is ’Y’, the purchase order is approved. If your document type is a blanket purchase order, contract purchase order,RFQ, or quotation, Oracle Purchasing uses START_DATE and END_DATE to store the valid date range for the document.

Oracle Purchasing only uses BLANKET_TOTAL_AMOUNT for blanket purchase orders or contract purchase orders. If you autocreate a quotation from an RFQ using the Copy Document window, Oracle Purchasing stores the foreign key to your original RFQ in FROM_HEADER_ID. Oracle Purchasing also uses FROM_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE to indicate that you copied the quotation from an RFQ.


PO_LINES_ALL stores current information about each purchase order line. You need one row for each line you attach to a document. Thereare five document types that use lines:
• RFQs
• Quotations
• Standard purchase orders
• Blanket purchase orders
• Planned purchase orders
Each row includes the line number, the item number and category, unit, price, tax information, matching information, and quantity ordered for the line. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record and update item and price information for purchase orders, quotations, and RFQs.

PO_LINE_ID is the unique system–generated line number invisible to the user. LINE_NUM is the number of the line on the purchase order.
Oracle Purchasing uses CONTRACT_NUM to reference a contract purchase order from a standard purchase order line. Oracle Purchasing uses ALLOW_PRICE_OVERRIDE_FLAG, COMMITTED_AMOUNT, QUANTITY_COMMITTED, MIN_RELEASE_AMOUNT only for blanket and planned purchase order lines. The QUANTITY field stores the total quantity of all purchase ordershipment lines (found in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL).

PO_VENDORS stores information about your suppliers. You need one row for each supplier you define. Each row includes the supplier name as well as purchasing, receiving, payment, accounting, tax, classification, and general information.

Oracle Purchasing uses this information to determine active suppliers. VENDOR_ID is the unique system–generated receipt header number invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the system–generated or manually assigned number you use to identify the supplier in forms and reports.
Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate supplier numbers for you. This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDORS corresponds to the Suppliers window.


PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL stores information about your supplier sites. You need a row for each supplier site you define. Each row includes the site address, supplier reference, purchasing, payment, bank, and general information. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to store supplier address information. This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL corresponds to the Sites region of the Suppliers window.
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