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Naming Standards of Commonly Used OAF Components

1] Naming Standards for a Custom Package:
If you want to create new pages, business logic, or whole applications and deploy your code with existing Oracle E-Business Suite applications, you must define a new application and use its short name for any related package and seed data definitions. For example, if you want to create a new, custom Procurement application, you might create a product with the short name XXPO (the “XX” prefix ensures that your selected product short name never conflicts with any future Oracle E-Business Suite product names).
Any objects that you create — either by extending (subclassing) existing Oracle E-Business Suite objects or by creating new objects from scratch — must be added to a package that starts with your company’s identifier:
  • If you are creating new objects from scratch, you should put them in a package that also includes your custom application short name as follows:
For example, assuming your company is called ABC Corporation and your custom product short code is XXPO, any new classes and OA Components that you create should be added to the following package:
  • If you are extending existing Oracle-Business Suite objects, you may add your files to a package that corresponds directly to the original Oracle package (in this case, you don’t need to add your files to a package including a custom application short code).
2] Naming Standards for a Page (File Extension: .xml):
The page name should convey the object it presents (an employee, a supplier, an item, a purchase order, an applicant, and so on), and the function being performed (search, promote, hire, approve, view). For some pages, the object is sufficient.
<Object><Function>PG or <Object>PG
  • SuppliersPG.xml (Supplier update)
  • SupplierCreatePG.xml (differentiated only if update and create are separate tasks)
  • SupplierViewPG.xml (view supplier info)
  • SupplierSearchPG.xml (search for supplier)
  • SupplierHomePG.xml (Supplier home page)
3] Naming Standards for a Region (File Extension: .xml):
The region name should convey the object it presents (an employee, a supplier, an item, a purchase order, an applicant, and so on), and the function being performed or the structure (search, promote, hire, approve, view, table, HGrid, Tree and so on).
<Object><Function-Structure>RN or <Object>RN
  • SupplierDetailsRN.xml
  • PoApproveRN.xml
  • CustomerContactsRN.xml
  • ItemTypeHGridRN.xml 
4] Naming Standards for an Entity Object (File Extension: .xml, .java):
The EO should be named for the objects stored in its underlying entity. For example, the entity FWK_TBX_PO_HEADERS stores purchase order headers, so the associated EO name is PurchaseOrderHeaderEO.
  • EmployeeEO.xml
  • EmployeeEOImpl.java
  • SupplierEO.xml
  • SupplierEOImpl.java
  • SupplierSiteEO.xml
  • SupplierSiteEOImpl.java
  • PurchaseOrderHeaderEO.xml
  • PurchaseOrderHeaderEOImpl.java
  • PurchaseOrderLineEO.xml
  • PurchaseOrderLineEOImpl.java
5] Naming Standards for an Entity Association Object (File Extension: .xml):
The AO name should convey the relationship between a parent and its child entities.
  • PoHeaderToLinesAO.xml
  • SupplierToSitesAO.xml
  • EmployeeToContactsAO.xml
6] Naming Standards for a View Object (File Extension: .xml, .java):
The VO name should convey the nature of the query. VO names are always plural as they model a collection of rows.
  • AllEmployeesVO.xml
  • AllEmployeesVOImpl.java
  • AllEmployeesVORowImpl.java
  • NewCustomersVO.xml
  • NewCustomersVOImpl.java
  • NewCustomersVORowImpl.java
7] Naming Standards for a View Link (File Extension: .xml):
The VL name should convey the relationship between the master and detail VOs.
  • EmployeeToDepartmenstVL.xml
  • PoHeaderToLinesVL.xml
  • ItemToApprovedSuppliersVL.xml
8] Naming Standards for an Application Module (File Extension: .xml, .java):
The AM name should convey the purpose of the UI module it services.
  • EmployeesAM.xml
  • EmployeesAM.java (optional interface)
  • EmployeesAMImpl.java
  • ItemCatalogAM.xml
  • ItemCatalogAMImpl.java
  • PoSummaryAM.xml
  • PoSummaryAMImpl.java
  • ApprovedSupplierListAM.xml
  • ApprovedSupplierListAMImpl.java


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